Thursday, December 27, 2012

Second Pre-natal Visit

Stats Weight +2.5 lbs
Fetal Heart tones 155-161 bpm
Crown Rump Length Measured by Ultrasound 5.79 cm
Gestational age estimated to be 12 weeks today, so due date is now officially July 10th.

So far so good.  Although the holiday eating combined with a lack of exercise has contributed to a bump in my weight.
It is hard to exercise with back pain.  Lately however my pain has been much improved and I am back on the wagon doing my treadmill.  This weekend I am going to buy a pre-natal workout DVD and try it at home.  I can't find a way to rent one, and I guess I can risk the $15-20 it will cost to buy one.

My midwife's advice to me today - eat 6 small meals a day with protein and vegetable
Avoid caffeine and drink water

She also said that I need to do some processing to release some of the trauma surrounding my previous birth.  It was nice to hear her say that because sometimes I feel like such a winer complaining about my beautiful, vaginal, optimized birth experience.  It's nice to have someone empathize with you.
Such a good provider (cascading hearts).

nuchal translucency was all normal - my risk of a down syndrome baby is now 1 in 8041, and of trisomy 18/13 1 in >10,000
I'm not at all sure what we would have done with a negative result, and it is nice not to have to really figure that out.  And it was nice to see that little person swimming around.

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