Sunday, December 23, 2012

Preventing Pre-eclampsia First trimester

This is the second post regarding my quest for pre-eclampsia prevention
Back story can be found in an earlier post from this date.

The first trimester is over! Woot!
So far I have met my goal of not gaining any weight in the first trimester and actually lost two pounds.

I have had two visits with my Midwife so far.  We are now planning to deliver at Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital.  The reason for this is that is where my midwife Aszani Stoddard now works.  Wherever she goes so follows my uterus, I wouldn't dream of going to anyone else.
Apart from that I miss Health Foundations.  They had such a nice warm welcoming atmosphere, and a much more kid friendly waiting room and exam room, that my son had he been there ex-utero would have loved.  That said Aszani is now at Park Nicollet, and it will be nice to bill our care to our insurance instead of paying out of pocket.  I have zero complaints about the staff, the scheduling, the parking, anything about the park nicollet clinic.  It's just not my cushy ritzy birth center.

We also had our nuchal translucency scan.  As it happens the baby was 1 mm too short to do the test but I got to see the kiddo.  Really neat since I can't feel the baby move to see confirmation that there is a little person cooking in there.

First trimester symptoms have included mostly fatigue, and in the past three weeks upper back pain.  I have not had any nausea really (don't hate).

I had some aches in my arms with my last pregnancy while trying to paint the entire interior of my home, nesting anyone (?).  This was speedily fixed with chiropractic care.  I had never been to a chiropractor before and grudgingly went after begging my midwife to let me take ibuprofen.  She flicked my wrist and the pain was gone.  Just like that.  I went to her for my entire pregnancy and had very little in the way of aches and pains as a result.

This time it took me about two weeks or so to realize that it was pregnancy related and not just your run of the mill back-ache.  I do have a 33 lb toddler who always wants his mommy to carry him everywhere.  I finally got it together and went to the chiropractor.  She was able to fix my shoulder right away, but my mid back has persisted in being a problem.  two more visits to the chiropractor and to the acupuncturist and it seems to be getting better.  What a relief!  I have new found sympathy for those who suffer with chronic back pain.

A word about chiropractors and acupuncturists in pregnancy.  Don't go to just anybody, go to a provider who specializes in women's health and pre-natal care.  Just like you wouldn't ask your orthopedist to treat your stomach pain, not every practitioner knows everything about everything.
I see Amber Moraveck for chiropractic
and Stefanie Beniek for acupuncture
both are highly recommended

For exercise I have been doing the treadmill desk (see treadmill desk post), I went to one pre-natal yoga class but felt silly for being only eight weeks at the time.  I am currently considering whether to get a yoga or work-out DVD to save money.  The fear being that I will lose the money spent on the DVD and never use it.  I have NEVER done a work-out at home.

I think I'm going to create another post about supplements this is getting long.

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