Friday, July 19, 2013

The End Result - Rosalie's Birth

Total Pregnancy Stat Summary
Weight Gain - 40 lbs
Residual weight 1 week post delivery - plus 15 lbs over pre-pregnancy weight
Length of pregnancy 41 weeks
Labor length - 4.5 hours pushing time less than 1 hour

The big question I know you want answered if you've been following my blog is whether or not I developed pre-eclampsia.  The short answer is that I did.  The full answer is a little more complex, and maybe in the end more satisfying. Here's the long version -
My blood pressure as I'm sure you've noticed had been trending upwards, in my 40th week of pregnancy it was in the mid 130's systolic.  On July 3rd one day before my due date it was 143/98, but I was feeling nauseous and having cramps.  As it happens I was in early labor.  I dilated to 3 cm and then my labor stalled and everything seemed to go quiet with my body.  My blood pressure settled back in to the 130's.
My midwife (Aszani) began doing sequential sweeping of my membranes (also known as stripping).  This means that she did it several times (three in total I think).  My acupuncturist (Stephanie) did labor points to help me go into labor.  We were trying to get things started because it was feeling like a game of chicken - which was going to happen first pre-eclampsia or labor.  The monday after my due date I had 1+ protein on my urine dip test.  Tuesday I did a 24 hour urine collection which showed 515 mg of protein (anything over 300 is abnormal).  My blood pressure was on the border 138/95.  The plan as of Thursday morning was to admit me for an induction for pre-eclampsia.
Meanwhile, at my second membrane sweep I had dilated to 4 cm, and on Thursday morning I was 5-6 cm, I also lost my mucous plug on Wednesday morning (eew gross).  During the office visit on Thursday Aszani did another sweeping of my membranes.  My husband and I went home to wait because the hospital was on a deferral until patients were discharged at 11 am.  When we did check-in at 12:30 pm I was transitioning from Early into active labor on my own.
I ended up having my little girl at 2:53 pm.  Because I went into labor after membrane sweeping I did not need pitocin.  My blood pressure never went above 150 systolic even in labor and I was never started on IV magnesium or blood pressure medications.
I had a beautiful unmedicated vaginal birth for my second child.
In the end I did have pre-eclampsia but I absolutely believe that the things that I did to prevent it played a part in delaying it's onset and lessening it's severity.  My second child was born a full four weeks farther along than my first, and I cannot tell you the difference in my body, my baby and my recovery.  Everything has gone so much better this time than last time.  I'm not sure it would feel as sweet a victory or as important an effort had I not developed pre-eclampsia.  If my stubborn daughter had just decided to come when she was due I wouldn't have had it at all - oh well.
I am glad this pregnancy is at an end, and so greatfil to have such a beautiful and healthy baby girl.  not sure at this point if I will post a birth story or keep blogging.  If you've been following or reading - thank you. Best of luck, health and peace to all my fellow mamas.

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