What's in the bag this time?
1. Perineal Ice Packs -

2. Sitz Bath -
I honestly don't remember if they had these at the hospital or not. I'm sure they must. At any point you can use warm water to soothe swelling and bruising. Your midwife or doula will likely encourage you to take 3 baths a day. When you are sleep deprived with a new baby it is unlikely you will have time to fill and sit in a tub three times a day. Also I found getting in and out of the tub difficult in the first few days after my son was born. This you just fill with warm to hot water and sit - presto.
3. Sitz Bath Herbs -
Add these to your sitz bath and it becomes a spa treatment for your butt. Honestly it's fabulous. The trick is getting the herbal without the herbs - those will stick to your backside and cause trouble. I used a sun tea pitcher to "brew" a sitz bath. I know your thinking that by this time you could have taken a bath, but it was much easier and nicer to do it this way (at least for me).
4. Butt Balm - to put on after your sitz bath and make it last. I also had hemorrhoids really bad after my son was born and this stuff was like magic.
5. Maternity pads - I preferred to use these with mesh panties vs adult diapers. Diapers are made with plastic, they itch, they make you sweat, they don't breathe. The mesh pants were not noticeable when I had them on. I would recommend maternity pads over regular maxi, they cover more ground. You don't have to buy fancy pants natural ones, I did because I want to pamper myself.

And that's all really. Like I said a fair number of my friends never needed this stuff. Maybe I won't either and I'll end up giving a lot of it away or throwing it out. Meanwhile it's nice to feel prepared and to know that whatever happens my perineum is taken care of.