Thursday, January 24, 2013

4 month Pre-natal Visit

Total weight gain 3 lbs
Total in last month 1 lb
Fetal heart tones 150's
Fetal movement present during exam

The big news for me at this visit is I get my week back! Woot!
At the nuchal translucency they estimated the baby's age to be about a week less than I had thought by dates, which might not seem like a big deal but it really was to me.  Now my midwife says that likely my conception and period dates are far more accurate than the ultrasound and we should stick with that.  So I am officially 17 weeks.

The constipation of the first trimester has resolved - thank god.  I do still have some back aches but these are minor compared to what they were before.  I am under regular chiropractic and acupuncture care.

I have been waiting for my second trimester energy spurt - maybe that comes later the second time?  I find myself going to bed at 8:30 sometimes.  To be fair I am not as tired as I was last month.

Also I am starting to show which is nice.  I love a pregnant belly, can't wait for it to get even bigger.

Exercise has been somewhat dismal - maybe 2 hours a week at best.  I know I need to do better.

Excited to find out the baby's gender in three weeks.  We didn't find out last time but this time I want to know.

Otherwise everything is routine and run of the mill - just the way you want it to be.

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