Monday, March 25, 2013

6 Month Pre-Natal visit

25 week OB visit summary
Overall weight gain 12 lbs
In the last month  6 lbs
Fundal Height 25 cm
Fetal Heart rate normal
Blood pressure 111/74

   Now more than half way through this pregnancy and I'm starting to get a little tired of this gig.  I have to keep reminding myself that this is the easy part and in four months I'll have a new born, a toddler and a post-partum body to deal with so I should really just sit tight.
     My belly is getting bigger although pictures reveal it is not as big as it feels.  It is roughly basketball sized.  I find I can't really wear most of my pre-maternity pants with much comfort anymore.  Even with the belly band the zipper itches and my pants are in constant plumber butt mode.  I hated my maternity pants that are still serviceable, and the ones I wore did not live.  My maternity clothes were sold cheap and made cheap.  So it's off to find some new ones.
     My appetite has definitely increased.  I am at times experiencing moments where it seems I can't get enough to eat.  I am sorry to say that I have been giving in to temptation and regularly eating baguettes with butter and jam - bad, bad, bad.  I was a little surprised by the weight gain of the last four weeks none-the-less.  To make up I am re-upping the protein, and cutting back on the carbs with renewed zeal.  Favorite protein snacks include beef jerky that is locally made low salt organic blah, blah, Cheese, nuts, hard boiled eggs, tofu chocolate mousse (see problem of raw cocoa post).
     Plus of this point in the pregnancy is regularly feeling the baby move.  My girl likes to dance and do somersaults.  Her dad has not really been able to feel her kicks from outside yet, still too light, or too infrequent, or aimed at my back or butt.
      Sad symptoms this month include fatigue and anemia.  The one pro of fatigue is that it is a really good empathy building exercise for me as a medical provider.  Fatigue is depressing, and it's debilitating.  Just walking up the stairs makes me short of breath.  A trip to the grocery store leaves me washed out.  It is difficult to make myself use my treadmill but I am making myself do it for at least three hours a week.
     I did find out at my recent visit that my hemoglobin is 10.8 (11.5 is low normal for women).  This can commonly happen in pregnancy, your blood volume has to increase by 50% as much, that's a lot of red blood cells to make.  If you're like me and you surf a line of being normal and anemic there's nothing like being pregnant to push you over the edge.  One of the main symptoms of anemia is fatigue.  So I have been trying to increase my intake of iron rich foods.
List of iron rich foods 1. Mollusks 2. Liver 3. Squash seeds/pumpkin seeds 4. Beef or lamb 5. beans legumes 6. dark leafy greens
      I am also full into night time charlie horses again.  These are also known as nocturnal leg cramps, and are common in the second half of pregnancy.  I have heard or read several theories as to why these occur including pooling of increased blood volume, shifting pelvis, and low calcium and magnesium.  I definitely notice an increase in severity and frequency of cramps if I forget my liquid magnesium before bed.  Chiropractic care also seems to help.  But man oh man they sure are painful, and the last thing my tired self needs is to be woken up by leg cramps during the night.
      In the next four weeks I am planning to have a 3D ultrasound, for fun, and so my son can see the baby (he has not been allowed in to any of our insurance covered ultrasounds).  I am hoping to go for more walks outside as the weather here in Minnesota warms up.  I am also committed to doing pre-natal yoga at least once a week, although I have yet to start.  Wish me luck in sticking to my diet and exercise goals.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Problem of Raw Cocoa

Here's a problem I've been struggling with - Raw Cocoa tastes awful.
It may have tons of anti-oxidants, and be good for cardiovascular health but it tastes like the most bitter paste imaginable.
Here are some of the things I've tried to bring it into my diet.
1. Adding to protein shake - Consummate Fail.  This made the whole shake taste awful and I had to throw it out.
2. Adding to morning coffee - Moderate Fail.  The powder falls to the bottom so I had to constantly stir the coffee to make the powder stay in the drink.  It also made my coffee more bitter, and drinking it started to feel like a chore instead of a pleasure.
3. Adding to cups of pudding - Moderate success - Two tablespoons of cocoa powder mixed with pudding did not alter the taste of the pudding too much to make it inedible. Problem with this is it was kind-of chalky and I just didn't feel like eating it very much.
Total Calories 150, Protein 3g Carbohydrate 27 g
4. Tofu Chocolate Mousse - this is a recipe that my friend/midwife shared with me before I got pregnant and was trying to lose weight - as a way to get a chocolate fix that would be high protein and low fat.  Problem is once you crunch the numbers it's not that much protein and a lot of Carbs.  I am trying today with mixing in the cocoa powder to see how it tastes.  I used a small amount of cocoa powder the first time because I didn't want to have to toss the whole batch.
It takes the following
1. 2 containers Firm silken tofu
2. 1 bag semi-sweet chocolate chips/chunks
3. 2 tsp of vanilla extract
And this time 5 TBSP of cocoa powder
Makes 8 servings - each serving 270 calories, Protein 7 g, Carbohydrate 32 g
jury is still out on whether this will be successful.

Other suggestions from friends include mixing cocoa powder with milk and sugar - doesn't sound like it would work to me but I haven't tried it.
And mixing cocoa powder with chocolate ice cream - this sounds delicious but also very bad for you.
I am open to other suggestions.
Oh and another thing that worked but at a high dilution was adding cocoa powder to taco beef and chili, granted it was a very small amount of cocoa - but I got it in there.

Open to suggestions here if any body has some..